Jarhead at Hoyts, Broadway

Even though I haven’t posted anything since December, I have actually been to the theatre twice, and seen four movies. But between writing my treatise, and a two week holiday in New Zealand, I haven’t had time to write any of them up until now. The big catch-up happened today, with comments (some of them very brief) on The Cherry Orchard, Twelfth Night (in Russian – the performance, that is, not my write up), Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, The World’s Fastest Indian and Munich.

I only saw Jarhead yesterday, so it counts as a current write up.

Some of the visuals in this film were amazingly powerful. There was once scene when he walked through a group of bombed-out cars, and every step he took on the black ground revealed the white sand underneath. And the scenes at night, with the flames in the background, and the oil raining down on them, were both appalling and beautiful.

But the film itself was very ugly. This isn’t a criticism – it was obviously the intention, and it worked very well. But it was horrible seeing people become so dehumanized.

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