Ocean's Twelve at a cinema in southern Melbourne
December 11th, 2004 at 9:57 am (Movies)
I probably should have re-watched Ocean’s Eleven before seeing Ocean’s Twelve – with only a couple of exceptions, I found I could never remember who was which among all the minor characters. Of course, I am notoriously bad with faces, particularly in films with a large supporting cast.
While this film was quite fun, I didn’t enjoy it as much as its prequel – and my enjoyment of Ocean’s Eleven was not much more than moderate, evidenced by the fact that after seeing it once at the cinema, I have not bothered to borrow it for a second viewing on DVD.
George Clooney’s screen time was cut to make way for Brad Pitt’s character’s story, which should not have been a problem (I much prefer Catherine Zeta-Jones to Julia Roberts), except that they didn’t really do much in the way of character development with the extra time. There were a couple of good bits with Catherine Zeta-Jones, but for the most part he was fairly bland – as he was in the first film, but then he wasn’t meant to be carrying the plot of that one.
The film had some good – and even a few very good – moments, but overall I found the plot rather silly and unconvincing, even for a heist movie.
All in all, it was quite a pleasant romp, but I thought it could have (and should have) been a lot better.